Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mythology:Gods and Goddess

Ancient Greek Gods

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

Alex's the Great

Statue of Alexander the Great,

Map of Alexander the Great(Deccisive Battle)

pic of Alexander the Great

One of the greatset military geniuses in history, Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C. in Pella, Macedonia. The son of Philip of Macedon, who was an excellent Army General and organizer. His mother was Olympias, princess of Epirus. After his death his Empire soon dissolved, he conquered much of what was then the civilized world. Alexander was governed by divine ambition to conquer the world and create a universal world monarchy. He was the first great conqueror who reached Greece, Egypt, Asia Minor, and Asia. He is famous for having created ethnic fusion between the Macedonians and the Persians. Forming many Greek cities in Syria, Iran, Bactria and in Egypt, the city called Alexandria. From many victorious battles, Alexander created empire which had marked history as the beginning of the Hellenistic Age and brought him eternal glory.

Ancient Greece: Language!

The Ancient Greek Language has different theories of origin ; firstly some believe it migrated with the Proto-Greek speakers into the Greek Peninsula, dating from 2500BC to 1700 BC. Second Theory considers the migration into Greece happened before Proto-Greek, so the characteristics of Greek sounds were later.


The Greek started athletic contest and hornor them for their Gods! The Isthmos games was staged every two years at the isthmos corinth. The Pythian games took place every four years near Delphi! The games at Olympia were greatly expanded from a one-day festival of athletics and wrestling to, in 477 BC, five days with many events!The first day of the festival was deevoted to sacrifices!On the second day, the foot-race, the main event of the games, took place in the stadium, an oblong area enclosed by sloping banks of earth!On other days, wrestling, boxing, and the pancratium, a combination of the two, were held.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ancient Greece: Wars Pictures!

Greek war ship!

Alexander The Great!


Ancient Greece: Wars!

  • The greo-Persian wars are a sequence of wars fought between the great empire of Persia and the coalition of Greek city-states! 
  • The Ionian Revolt intitated the first major Persian war./During 539 BC Cyrus The Great ruled Persia and most of West Asia!
  • The cities that were dependent of Lydia automatically became helpless and Cyrus next move was to capture those cities. The residents of these were then called Ionians. Ionia is today based in Modern Turkey!
  • Cyrus was cruel ruler. He increased the taxes and appointed tyrants in these regions.
    His son Cambyses supported Cyrus and he too captured Egypt and some Greek islands between Anatolia and Greece, the most important one being the island of Samos.!
  • Later Darius, Cambyses son who became the king, attacked the Scythians, but he lost. He along with his army returned back to Persia.
  • Seeing that strong rulers like Persia could lose two consecutive times the Persian occupied Greek city-states decided to revolt. This is known as the Ionian revolt.
  • But the Ionians were defeated in the Battle of Lade in 494 BC. The Ionian revolt lasted for about half a decade.

Pictures of Ancient Greece

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Begining of Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece civilzation belonging to the period of Greek history lasting from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC ro 146 BC and the Roman conquest of Greece after the Battle Of Corinth!


This blog was create for my first period class English 1 project!